Call for Papers

The increasing usage of machine learning (ML) coupled with the software architectural challenges of the modern era has given rise to two broad research challenges: i) Software architecture (SA) for ML-based systems and ii) ML techniques for (better) architecting any software system. In recent times, both the research and practitioner community have started exploring these research areas at the intersection of SA and ML. As a result, there have been emerging contributions from the scientific and practitioner community in these two research areas. However, these contributions are scattered across different communities of software engineering, self-adaptation, ML, etc. The goal of SAML 2025 is to bring together practitioners and the research community in one common platform to explore: i) how to come up with better SA practices for architecting ML-based systems; ii) how to leverage ML techniques to better architect software systems; iii) state of research and practice in architecting ML-based systems and in using ML techniques for architecting modern software systems. Further, SAML 2025 shall also provide a common forum to bring together both practitioners and researchers of SA and ML communities to identify and fill the research gaps that can benefit both communities. SAML 2025 seeks contributions in the form of full research papers, industry experience reports and short papers in topics including but not limited to:

  • Architecture design, analysis, and evaluation of ML-enabled systems.
  • Architecture frameworks, patterns, and models for ML-enabled systems
  • Integration of the ML development and software development processes.
  • Quality attributes relevant for ML-enabled systems and their analysis.
  • Using ML to synthesize or analyze architecture documentation.
  • Using ML for the detection of architecture and design (anti-)patterns.
  • Using ML to guide or conduct architectural refactorings.
  • Using ML for architecture evaluation.
  • Architecting self-adaptive systems using ML.
  • Software architecture and MLOps practices.
  • Role of the software architect in architecting ML-enabled systems.
  • Architecture and technical debt in ML-enabled systems.
  • Quality assurance of ML-enabled systems.
  • Maintenance and evolution of ML-enabled systems.
  • Case studies and experience reports related to SA and ML.
  • Social and organizational aspects of architecting ML-enabled systems.
  • Architecting data or ML pipelines.
  • Generative AI for software architecture design and analysis.
  • Software Architecture for Generative AI systems.

Types of Contributions

  • Regular full papers (including industry experience papers), which should not exceed 8 pages including all text, references, appendices, and figures

  • Short papers (including experience papers), which should not exceed 4 pages including all text, references, appendices, and figures

  • Position papers with expressed interest, 1 page

All contributions should be submitted before the submission deadline using ICSA’s EasyChair online submission site (select the track “4th International Workshop on Software Architecture and Machine Learning”). Submissions must follow the IEEE Computer Science proceedings format and abide by the single-anonymous submission process (author identities are known). All submissions must be original work and must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Artifacts related to the paper, if any, can be submitted by uploading the data/code to repositories such as Zenodo or Figshare, with the link to these contributions included in the paper.


The accepted regular and short papers will be published in ICSA 2025 Companion proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The position papers will be published in the SAML 2025 web page. At least one author of each accepted paper should register for the conference and participate in the workshop.

Submission Deadlines

All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h (“Anywhere on Earth”).

Paper Deadline: December 20, 2024

Notification of acceptance: January 20, 2025

Camera ready due: January 27, 2025

Workshop dates: Either March 31 or April 1, 2025 (TBA)