Accepted Papers

Sune Chung Jepsen, Anna Hye Ølgaard and Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard: Architecting Machine Learning Systems: Which Parts are the Architect’s Pain? (Short paper)

Rachel Brower-Sinning, Grace Lewis, Sebastian Echeverria and Ipek Ozkaya: Using Quality Attribute Scenarios for ML Model Test Case Generation

Dolors Costal, Cristina Gómez, Santiago Del Rey and Silverio Martínez-Fernández: Using Metrics for Code Smells of ML Pipelines

Deepali Kholkar, Suraj Thapa, Akhilesh Pal and Suman Roychoudhury: Feature Model Based Integration of Machine Learning in Software Product Lines

Jasmin Jahic and Ashkan Sami: State of Practice: LLMs in Software Engineering and Software Architecture