
SAML 2024 will be co-located with the 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) 2024, June 4-8, Hyderabad, India.


2024-05-10 SAML 2024 program is up, do check out here
2024-03-20 Registration site is up. Do register here
2024-03-20 The list of accepted papers is ready and an exciting program coming soon!
2024-02-19 We have extended the submission deadline until February 25, AoE.
2024-02-13 The submission deadline is on February 18, but we offer a grace period which allows you to polish your papers until February 20, AoE.
2024-02-09 We are delighted to announce that Heiko Koziolek from ABB Corporate Research will give a keynote. More information can be found on the Workshop Program page.
2023-11-14 Call for Papers is posted.
2023-11-14 The official SAML 2024 website is launched.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h (“Anywhere On Earth”).

Paper Submission Feb 25, 2024
Notification of acceptance Mar 17, 2024
Camera-ready Mar 31, 2024
Author Registration April 1, 2024
Workshop June 4, 2024